Monday 10 April 2017

The Blog Is Back!

Hello everyone!! [click here for my twitter , click here for my youtube , click here for my rl instagram]
It's been so long since I've made a blog post, around 2 years now, but I recently stumbled across this blog again so I thought I'd get back into the swing of things! It feels like such an old 2012-esque concept to be writing on a MSP blog but I'm loving the nostalgic feel of it all.
So I thought it'd be cool to tell you a little about me personally because it's something everyone seemed to be interested in back in the day, and I've changed so so much over the years & grown as a person so I'd love to reintroduce myself :P
Me & Mike <3
I AM FRAN. Self explanatory really. You all know it's short for Francesca, and now I'm at the grand old age of 17 (30/08/1999 is my birthday NOTE IT)๐Ÿธ☕️ I'm currently in my last year of Sixth Form doing my A Levels and somehow doing so well I could head off to Oxford University if I so wish. Shoutout to all the lame haters over the years who said I could never do it๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ My boyfriend's name is Mike & he's the best boyfriend I could ever wish for, he lives over an hour away but we're never really away from each other, he's either at my house or I'm at his, literally inseparable. I also have 8 cats, meow.
MSP wise, I joined in like 2010 or 2011 on another account which got locked forever, so rejoined at age 12 on Fran Is Epic back in 2012. I climbed up highscores and got to the first page, but obviously I left to focus on my real life & dropped back down (typical), but the bitch is back now hola at me.
I'm super opinionated and known for always speaking up for what I think is right, which causes controversy at times but in the end most people end up agreeing with me, I think it's important to stand up for what you believe in.
My team on MSP is called Epiclings and we've been around since 2013, and we were the FIRST LARGE TEAM ON UK MSP which I am still incredibly proud of to this day! There is a huge Epiclings announcement coming soon so please keep your eyes peeled for that, it's a once in a MSP-lifetime opportunity for you to partake in and you will seriously not be disappointed.. I'm so excited to tell you all about it but it's taking a LOT of preparation, but rest assured you know it's going to be lit.

I hope you're all as excited as I am, this is going to be one hell of a year for MSP.

-Fran xo

Saturday 26 September 2015

Boobs, bra sizes and so much more..


Have I got your attention yet?

This post is all about boobs, and no, I am sorry to disappoint but its not one of 'those' posts, it's more of an educational post and maybe a little bit of a rant-y post which I am sure all girls can relate to and maybe learn from too..

80% of women are currently wearing the wrong bra size. If 10 of us girls stood in a line, 8 of us theoretically would be wearing the wrong bra size. To me this is pretty insane - bras are a big thing in a girls life and having one that fits correctly seems just as important as having shoes that fit correctly.
Wearing the wrong size can give you all kinds of awful side effects, from creating back fat to giving you headaches and indigestion, insane right?

I can honestly say that I believe people are wearing the wrong sized bras because of the misconception of boob sizes we have nowadays. It is a common perception that:
A cup = small
B cup = small/average
C cup = average
D cup = large
DD cup = very large

..aaaand so on. But this is totally wrong. I mean, someone who wears a 34A can also wear a 30C. Why? Because cup size is proportional to your band size.

This diagram seems to sum it up best in my opinion.

Yeah.. Bra sizes can be confusing. And it's about to get a whole lot more confusing. 

I'm personally unsure as to what my bra size is at the moment and that's solely because, and this is a point I think most people forget, everywhere that makes bras, makes bras differently. For example, in Marks and Spencers I will be a 28G, but I can also happily wear 30D bras in Victoria's Secret.

So personally, my advice would be in regards to buying bras is to get measured at every place you shop for bras, so if you're in John Lewis buying a bra, get measured there and buy your John Lewis bras in that size. Then, if you go to Ann Summers, get measured there too and buy the size they measure you as there. If you're shopping online, I would definitely recommend you measure yourself and compare it to the product measurements, otherwise theres a chance you will have your boobs falling out of your bra, bursting out of your bra etcetera etcetera.

And that brings me on to my next point - measuring your bra size. 
And this is annoying.
Because every time I seem to measure my bra size, it is different. I'm probably just awful at measuring, but I can guarantee it takes a lot of skill, which is why I do recommend getting it done professionally, but if you can't do this or aren't confident enough to (trust me, I was so scared to get measured, my mum practically forced me in the end after FIVE YEARS), here's the best way to do it. You will definitely need a mirror and preferably a friend to help see behind you (that the tape measure isn't riding up), but if you were like me and couldn't find a tape measure to fit around your bust, use string! It's something I started using as soon as my tape measure wouldn't fit - wrap the string around your bust/band and leave a marking with pen. Then, take a normal ruler and measure up, it's that simple!

Another point worth considering is the style of bra you are going for. If you want a push up bra for whatever reason (small breasts, odd shape etc) I would TOTALLY reccommend going a band and cup size smaller. This will push your breasts further inwards to create more cleavage, but it is quite difficult to wear for hours and hours. When I had a small bust (I was an A cup for over a year, God knows what happened to get me to where I am today) I would always wear the Victoria's Secret bombshell bras in 30A (I believe). I was probably around a 32A/B but it gave me the cleavage and push I wanted.

Finally, be happy with your boobs. Love your boobs. Having a tiny bust or a huge bust does not define your worth. Don't let anyone tell you any different. In the end, NOBODY cares about how big or small your boobs are. Do you ever hear adults mocking small or large breasts? Nope, it doesn't happen, so as long as your breasts are healthy, you are blessed, and love them!

Sunday 13 September 2015

A new chapter..

It's like driving to somewhere you want to go, but on the way, feeling bewildered, because at that moment in time, your surroundings are new, different, and you have no idea where you are.

Starting something new, for me, is a very scary thing. I don't deal well with change. Change for me is terrifying. Even if the tiniest thing falls out of routine I will feel lost and out of control, but recently, no matter what, I had to go through a sort of change, and the prospect and idea of it left me terrified. I still am quite scared, but just like in the car, driving through somewhere you don't know, going through it again on the way back, you begin to grasp the idea of it. You begin to accept it and you begin to understand it.

For two years I was in school studying for my GCSE's and let me tell you, it was beyond stressful. I wasn't exactly very well physically or emotionally, but yet I pushed through the exam period. After I finished school, I knew change was coming in some form. I knew that if I got the results I wanted to get into Sixth Form, my education would change drastically. There would be new students, longer lessons, different timetables, different teachers, etc etc. I knew that if I didn't get the results I wanted to get into Sixth Form, I would have to go on to college, which involved even more change, because it would be a whole new environment. A whole new ballgame.

Of course, I feared college the most, but luckily, I got the results I needed and now, I'm studying at Sixth Form. For me, I still feared the change that awaited me.
Sixth Form uniform is cute!

Sure, the workload is very heavy. I have been at Sixth Form for just over a week and I have studied relentlessly most nights, and I still feel a little behind, but despite the hard work, I am glad I am there.

I am glad that I am there.

I am glad that I am there.

I am glad that I have gained the courage to face my anxieties head on. It's something I never though I'd be able to do. I am glad that I have got the willpower to try and do well in my subjects of choice. People tend to gasp when I tell them my A Level options (English Literature, History, Sociology & Religious Studies) because they're all very much essay subjects which require a lot of work. Yes, this change did scare me at first but now, I'm embracing it.

The stress can push me further than my willpower alone ever could, and that is something I have learned over the years. Stress makes me work harder, because I will feel like I have to do more to stand a chance in passing, when in reality it just pushes my grades and ability higher.

At the moment, it's like I'm in the car, driving to somewhere exciting that I want to be, and right now, I don't know exactly where I am, but I know I'm going in the right direction.

Change is good.


A clean, fresh start.

Hellllloooo readers, it's been a while and honestly, I've wanted to post for a while about a lot of things but never really got round to it, and since I'm trying to become more organised, I've come up with a sort of plan which basically sets out not only my schoolwork but also when I can blog.

In short, I will be blogging a lot more, and will be a lot more focused on real life.

Everyone seems to know my online persona, but nobody seems to know who I really am, or who is behind the screen. So, I'm gonna introduce myself.

HELLO MOTHERFU- Hi! My name's Francesca, but I like to be called Fran. I'm 16 years old and from North Wales.

I have a number of hobbies and to be honest I am literally a massive nerd. If you see me, I'll either be avidly playing Professor Layton while quoting every single line or watching some anime you've never heard of. I'm 5ft 5 (yeah probably pointless info) and my natural hair colour is some sort of brown, not that I really remember, I'm constantly dyeing it different colours. I think the worst colour I have ever been is bright orange. At the time, I thought it was awesome, but looking back, it is so embarrassing. 12 year old Fran what were you thinking?!

I'm into music and writing a lot, music helped me escape a dark time in my life and writing helped me face it when I felt ready. I also try and draw a bit but I've never really been very good at it haha. People think I get my looks from my mum (above is me & my mum, shes the smaller one:P) but I don't see it.

I will be posting a lot lot more, but I hope this short post is a good enough introduction for you all, I've deleted all 130 of my past posts (painfully) to start a fresh on this new chapter, and I hope it perplexes you as much as it does me.


Friday 28 August 2015

A direct message to Ishacool

Dear Isha,

Thank you so much for trying to insult me and then blocking me so I couldn't reply or defend myself. I believe that says a lot about your character.
I am not writing this post to attack you or start any trouble but I think it's only fair you get to hear my defence and response.
Once you read this, you may politely ask me to take it down if you so with and of course I will, after all, I know you'll read this.

My response:
'Hey, I hold no grudges. That's why lol. I hate to break it to you though I'm not the 'ass in the class' I just think of the bigger picture instead of dwelling on past hurt that's been inflicted on me (which fyi doesn't even bother me anymore, Im truly happy with my life at present and happy in my own skin). I don't know why you're deleting Roxy, as far as I'm concerned she's done nothing wrong to you? If you're deleting her for being my best friend I find that highly childish. I didn't delete her for being close to you despite the endless shit you gave me. It's called keeping your cool for their sake, I would never punish Roxy for who she chooses to surround herself with ESPECIALLY if they make her happy, and it's sad that after all, IF this is the reason you are deleting her, and after all you've been through with her, this is what you've resorted to. Roxy is not trash I can guarantee, especially after what a good friend she's been to you and I.'

Tuesday 23 June 2015

A video from the heart

Special thanks to my BFF roxy-1 for sticking around, to B'B for looking after my internet accounts especially when I'm away, and to everyone for their endless support and well wishes!

Now, let's put a stop to this silliness. Let's get on with our lives!

Saturday 13 June 2015

Pandypolo - racist, hateful and a bully

Well well well, someone needs to give Pandypolo a good Pandy because she has been one naughty, cheeky little girl recently!
Now I'm sure most of you are like I once was, under the impression that our beloved Pandypolo was a sweet, funny and kind girl who wouldn't hurt a fly! Oh how I was wrong and I'm sure you will agree after I tell you what this girl is really like and is really capable of. Buckle your seatbelts readers - this one is going to be one hell of a ride.

Now, I'm sure you will agree that dishing out hate is unnecessary and wrong, right? I'm sure you will also agree that mocking mental health is judgemental and insensitive, right? I'm sure you will agree that name calling, teasing and taunting is cruel and cowardly, right? Especially when it is unprovoked, right? Well then, I'm sure you will also agree that Pandypolo is all of these things and more then after seeing the following sickening messages she decided to send my way! (These are only a very few amount of the messages I received from her, hundreds of hateful unprovoked messages have been sent to me by her but if I added any more, this post would become a novel).
In the above screenshot, we see Pandypolo (with me not saying anything to her to provoke this or encourage it in any way, shape or form) saying that I 'probs don't have many friends' as if that's a bad thing. Personally, I do have many friends who have shown their endless love & support to me during these times which I am eternally grateful for. This includes my boyfriend Jay, who is not only my boyfriend, but my best friend too. Polo did try to take him away from me in order to hurt me, which I will explain later on in the post. Back onto the screenshot, she acts as if having little friends is a bad thing. Personally, I believe that you don't have to be surrounded by many people to be happy. It;s better to be surrounded by a few close, true and honest friends than to be surrounded by fake and negative friends.  This shows how judgemental Polo is to people that aren't exactly like her. (Though, my hope is that nobody is exactly without her, she's a very negative person as you can tell already and the world needs positivity, not negativity! Do you agree?) In this screenshot also she mocks and teases me about my life saying I need to 'fucking fix' it. This is definitely implying that my life is in some way wrong and needs fixing due to my personal struggle with depression, which for the record, is definitely improving, otherwise this post would not exist! She then goes on to name call and insult by calling me a 'demented dullard, decadent toe-sucking piece of shit'. This also makes no sense, and let me explain why.
I am clearly not 'demented'. If anything is irrational, it's your hateful outbursts that are completely uncalled for. If anyone is 'lacking any sense of the consequences of actions taken' it is Pandypolo, isn't it? Does she think that such hateful disgusting and disgraceful messages will go without consequences? Clearly she did think this, as she continued for days on end! I can also confirm that I, of course, do not suffer from dementia, as I will always remember what you awful hate you have inflicted recently and so will everyone reading this blog!

In this screenshot, Pandypolo decides to mock my name when changing it to 'Fanny'. Now doesn't this show how childish Pandypolo is? She makes such a childish move here when thinking that making genitals remarks and comparisons is funny and offensive. Girl let me tell you something, words describing body parts are just words and not in the slightest offensive. And to all the girls reading this, I'm sure we are all on agreement on this, right? I feel like I'm in a primary school sex education talk whenever I get messages from Polo! Gosh, I think someone needs to buy her a dictionary to extend her vocabulary in order to stop embarrassing herself with using such inoffensive name-calling attempts. She also seems to objectify Jay, when demanding I 'give' him to her. This shows how little respect she has for anyone else but herself. Now I can openly admit that I used to be quite inconsiderate and foolish - but life taught me a few lessons and I am a completely changed person. Of course, I was never as awful as Polo but I hope she one day gets lessons too for her own benefit and for ours, who else is she going to attack next?! However, being called a 'foul ninny' was quite a bad move, maybe you should learn the proper english definitions for words because I am definitely taking this as a compliment! Hopefully some of it will rub off on you too soon. 

In this printscreen once again, Pandypolo decides to be extremely judgemental and stereotypical by mocking mental health once again, by teasing about the want to commit suicide. I think this is extremely low as committing suicide as you will probably agree is a terrible thing to happen and is a persons last resort to escape the endless pain and hurt they feel, often from mental conditions such as depression, anxiety and many others. Mocking this is a disgrace to anyone from the mental health community and everyone else as in our lifetimes, one in three of us will face depression! And I am sure we all know of someone who suffers from conditions such as this, so her mocking this is extremely disgusting and should not be tolerated whatsoever. She then goes on to try and alienate me by suggesting that I am not even a human! Did you know humans are one of the only species to feel empathy? You seem to lack that trait, so clearly if anyone's not human..  Then I get called a sideshow freak and such.  Hey, maybe her vocabulary is improving! Wait she spelt valuable wrong, never mind. Keep that dictionary in hand!

Okay so I'm guessing you can see for yourself what is wrong in this screenshot. Molester of young children? How low can you get. Is she even thinking before she is typing? At least now she's considering me as a human being! Hip hip hooray! Wait hold up, I thought goodbye meant we were parting, yet she came back for more.. Someone throw the dictionary and highlight the definitions for her please.

Polo, if you wanted to get my attention, a simple 'Hello' would suffice, no need for the 'oi'. At least try and act a little classy.

 Now correct me if I am wrong, but if anyone is a horror to encounter, it is Pandypolo! Who in the world would like to encounter such nasty remarks and hateful comments? This is almost as bad as the time Pandypolo was racist towards white people! Truly shocking.

This is borderline threatening which should not, under any circumstances, be tolerated. She also called me dumb but spelt it wrong..

Someone close to Pandypolo who has known her for over six years has even told me the extent to Polo's bullying regime. On an old game, Panfu, people used to be scared of Polo as she used to harass and bully children on the game! Polo clearly hasn't changed since then and we all need to stick together and take a stand against this!

In fact, Pandypolo is so set on hurting me, she has chosen to manipulate and trick (and thus hurt other people in the process) other people in order to get to me!

Now as most of you will be aware, I have been in a relationship with Jamie, Jay, Jamiestar97, Whatever you would like to call him. Recently, she had tried immensely hard to convince him that I was being unfaithful to him (which I can assure you, and Jay can assure you, is false). She drilled it into him so much it had a real effect on him. She dared him to kiss her, which he then did, and to post it as his profile picture, which he did. This had a very large detrimental effect on me as you can imagine. My heart was in shatters, and she did not care. Polo only found joy in the fact I was aching. This was evil. Pandypolo is evil. This is obvious. 

As a follow up, I would just like to reassure you all that me and Jay are in a very good place right now and are getting on very well as a couple. Polo could not tear us apart, and I believe that we are meant to be:)

Pandypolo mocks people so much, she even had a photograph of me in a hospital bed as her profile picture on kik! How disgraceful can her behaviour get before it is sanctioned? She encourages behaviour from other people - praising her best friend ishacool when she says things like 'was the bridge not high enough' or to 'take a whole bottle of pills'. I can assure you that Isha deep down is a bloody wonderful human being that is constantly being poisoned by Polo. I have known Isha for a few years now and I know that deep down she has so much love and kindness but Pandypolo is such a bad influence on her. She encourages bullying, hateful behaviour and cruelness and this should not be ignored any longer. Polo is destructive and I encourage you all the recognise this and keep it in mind. She is not how she seems from the outside as I have just proven to you. Do not let her hurt anyone else. Do not let her change anyone else. 


Share peace and love and not hate and combat negativity with positivity. 
