Tuesday 19 August 2014

Staying happy..

Hello! It's once again been forever since I made a post! After I make a post I always say I'm gonna keep up with it and post regularly but that never happens. Hopefully though this time will be different. I was thinking of maybe when I'm in the rare mood to post (like now)  I should make 5 or 6 posts in drafts and release one every week or so but knowing me I'd forget to log in to release them anyway, plus I enjoy making posts and publishing them at the time I write them because it gives you a deeper insight into me and how I feel at that moment in time. I never really have that many ideas for posts though so if you have any ideas or requests make sure to leave them in a comment below!

So - if you haven't been able to tell already by the title, I am posting ways to stay happy even when everything else around you may seem dark. As most of you have noticed, MSP hasn't been the best place to be recently and the atmosphere has turned rather sour, so hopefully this post will help a few of you to take a bit of time to smile a little bit more, in any situation, MSP related or not.

Personally, I have lists.. So if I'm down about something I'll refer to these lists for things to distract myself with and a bit of motivation. They're actually really helpful in my opinion, so maybe a few of you could try them too. I have 3 on my phone so I'm never without them, I'll use mine as an example. Obviously mine won't apply to you all and has a lot of personal things to me in them so it isn't easy for me to upload them although it may seem like something very small to you.

So the first one is called 'Reasons to love yourself' and is for them times you need a bit of encouragement to carry on. It's basically a reminder of things I'm either proud of doing and also motivational sayings to help me do more. This one is particularly useful when you feel useless and helpless etc.

The second list is 'Stay smiling' and is a bunch of quotes on why you should never give up no matter how hard something may seem.

And finally, the third is called 'Distractions' and personally is very, VERY useful for me. It consists of things to take your mind off bad and stressful situations. When you complete some and obviously mark them off, it can give you a real sense of accomplishment and helps you stay productive despite the struggles you may be going through

If any of you try this make sure you leave a comment of your lists & if it's cool with you I'll try and post as many as I can!


  1. Love it Fran, I'm so sad ur quitting but I respect ur decision hun x

    1. She Has Too Many Fans, They're Going To Persuade Her To Stay.

  2. Fran, your amazing. You're so kind, and lucky. I'm sure you have a great life. This really helped me, in a way, so thank you <3 :)

    I know, it's your decision and you want to leave, but remember, we all love you <3 Stay awesome sweetie ;) xoxo

  3. ♥Hey Fran! I love this blog so much >,<!!!! You're my favourite on MSP.

    Also, I heard you're getting a lil' bit of hate. #Ignorethehaters! But I just want you to know, there are more lovers in the world than haters x3

    -BurningPearl(Msp Username)

  4. Did u actually get into a school of modeling and was on blue peter at nine?? Omg ur amazing
