Saturday 19 January 2013

Lalala Strange Peoples xD

Hellur Awesome Readers Of My Bloggehh;)

Today I will be showing you two people who need to seriously get a life. I hate doing depressing posts like this but sometimes it is completely necessary to show you these and warn you and defend myself and my friends.
Lydia74630 is still not stopping. She keeps trying to annoy my friends and I and it is just so childish. She started commenting on my wall being malicious and sarcastic. LUCKILLY Carly and Cookie and missevils are like amazing and kinda tried knocking some sense into her and stuff.. Lydia if your reading this like omg lool you pathethetic moron lool :'D Js

I used to be Best Friends with a girl called icarly-123, but deleted her a month or two ago, AND blocked her because she followed me, bought my looks and said they were hers, threatened me etc and I'd had enough of it.
Proof That She Buys My Looks JUST To Annoy Me

Oh, Theres proof that she buys my looks. Yeah, Im pissed off. I usually let people buy my looks, but she claimed them as her own and really annoyed me with statuses like this.

Copying My Status -.-

This was my status yesterday. I fell off my chair laughing at my freind Green&BlueSoCool, She is SO Random + I Love Her Lmao
I Said I Was Nyan Cat Because I Made This Look, Inspired By My Random Friend, Green&BlueSoCool.

So to finish on a happy note,

This person is so cool. I was like OMG LOOOOL XD
You amazing person B)

Kay Byeeeee x

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