Saturday 20 September 2014

Dealing with hate

Whatever you do in life, you're gonna encounter hate one way or another (not only on MSP), nobody can really escape it, and I'm sure everyone has either experienced it or seen someone close experience it and honestly, it's not a pleasant experience but I think what's important is how you handle and cope with it - will you let it make you or will you let it break you?

What motivated me to do this blog post was nothing from MSP - it was actually this video Connor made :P

But honestly, if people feel the urge to try and hurt you, they are probably just insecure about themselves and making other people feel similar is their escape, and that's really, really sad, and I personally sometimes even pity these people. 

I think it's weird how us humans can have all the compliments in the world and yet sometimes when someone says one negative thing about us, THAT'S what we carry with us the most. I think we all want to be perfect at heart (despite that being simply impossible) - with that being said one day you'll find people who think you and all your imperfections ARE perfect and in fact give you character.

And I mean if all else fails, you can simply just do what I do and..


  1. I agree. It's just means that they r jealous.

  2. Haters gonna hate xD i totally agree fran. Pat on the back for you. AND LOL the last picture :D

  3. that picture isnt really what i call APPROPRIATE IF U SHOWED IT TO THE QUEEN
