Friday 28 August 2015

A direct message to Ishacool

Dear Isha,

Thank you so much for trying to insult me and then blocking me so I couldn't reply or defend myself. I believe that says a lot about your character.
I am not writing this post to attack you or start any trouble but I think it's only fair you get to hear my defence and response.
Once you read this, you may politely ask me to take it down if you so with and of course I will, after all, I know you'll read this.

My response:
'Hey, I hold no grudges. That's why lol. I hate to break it to you though I'm not the 'ass in the class' I just think of the bigger picture instead of dwelling on past hurt that's been inflicted on me (which fyi doesn't even bother me anymore, Im truly happy with my life at present and happy in my own skin). I don't know why you're deleting Roxy, as far as I'm concerned she's done nothing wrong to you? If you're deleting her for being my best friend I find that highly childish. I didn't delete her for being close to you despite the endless shit you gave me. It's called keeping your cool for their sake, I would never punish Roxy for who she chooses to surround herself with ESPECIALLY if they make her happy, and it's sad that after all, IF this is the reason you are deleting her, and after all you've been through with her, this is what you've resorted to. Roxy is not trash I can guarantee, especially after what a good friend she's been to you and I.'


  1. Happy your defending yourself Fran!(: ~Kenzayy

  2. Fran its polo, can you delete this please isha hasnt seen it yet but I took a picture of your response and promise to send it her if you could take this post down? Idk how I will prove it to you because I am going advise her not to reply to prevent any further ''discussions'' ok? Is it too much to ask if you can take my word for it, You never know she might just unblock and reply to you on imvu?

  3. Oh wow Fran, you probably don't know me, but I think you are taking the high road here. Ishacool is quite a bitch!

    Btw my username on MSP (UK) is : Gabrielle Solis


  4. Bruh honestly life is too short to waste having arguments. Find equal ground and resolve the argument. if anyone wanna add me my uk msp is MuppetMonsta
