Sunday 17 March 2013

Truth Unravelling

Below Is A Post Jam Packed Full Of The Utter Truth Which Was On Ishacool&Pandypolo's Blog Which Needs To Be Urgently Seen By Everyone.

Ishacool Here!

Recently there has been a lot of hate on my wall and countless hateful messages directed at me. A lot of lies have been spread around Msp about me which are quite frankly all LIES!  So I logged onto msp a few days ago and got a few very interesting mails, explaining some of the comments.

Yes you read that right. Candired tricked this girl into writing hate on my wall and semnding me hateful messages, bribing her with wishies.
This is the lengths some people are going over a GAME. 
Its sad to know what Candi is tricking these people into such things. Tbh I wouldnt be able to live with myself doing half the stuff that she is doing. Its quite disturbing! Going to all this effort to try and make my life on msp hell!
And Im sure this girl was not the only girl instructed my Candi to do this. 

I mailed MSP About this bullying and NOTHING has been done so far. They didnt even send me a reply! SO I mailed them a second time and got a one line reply.
Its almost obvious that they have other priorities and not the welfare of thei users. The email I recieved back is basically saying we got your 1st email but didnt reply, we dont want to deal with it. After a second reply we are emailing you now to tell you to stop emailing us -.-(my interpretation) But, you can see for yourself below.

MSP are meant to deal with issues like this as they are very serious and cyber bullying may I remind you all is against the law. This isnt just a little deal anymore, this is serious and MSP aren't doing anything. This is how incompetent they are and it needs to stop before this gets out of control. Or is it already?
Click To Enlarge.

I also logged on and looked at the ArtBook highscores and was shocked to see a hateful ArtBook by a girl named $$~mindless~$$
'Help Candired pass Ishacool'
What an ArtBook. An ArtBook, which you will find out in a minute, does not add up according to statements by the maker in mail.
But what did I get off this girl? 

A Friend request.
A Friend request.
What makes her think I would accept a request from a girl who makes ArtBooks like that? Its not a very friendly thing to do is it?

I recieved this mail from this particular girl a few weeks ago.
She says she supports me all the way and that Candi has been mean to her, but she still goes ahead and makes such an ArtBook? Its pretty obvious what's happened here. I havn't even said it and it's already popped into your mind. That's how obvious it is.
She has been told by Candi to do this, just like the other girl and tbh it's pathetic. The truth is coming out for the whole world to see, the evidence is piling up and the clock is ticking.
Now, Above you will see a comment that was written on my wall. This is complete nonsense, I never even met this girl before, so why would I swear at her?! This was the first time I'd ever seen her, and she was writing lies on my wall and prompting other users to do so. I wouldn't be surprised if this girl was instructed to do this too. There's enough of it going around at the moment.
Furthermore, 6 Minutes ago I recieved the above mail to my acct vintage.
People are making ArtBooks and hating by command and jelousy and it'd not right and needs to stop. The mail above and all the others prove this.
Once again the truth is finally coming out.

I also recieved a mail from xxsparklesxx
The mail (shown below) Is basically saying that Candi has been scowering highscores, Asking everyone to put her in their shorties and not watch my movies, in a bid to overtake me on highscores.

Candi wants everyone to turn on me so she can overtake me on a GAME (I stress the word GAME) 
She wants the whole of highscores, Even the whole of msp to turn against me just so she can be top of a game, which I think is SAD and desperate and pretty low.
I did not join msp to fight over a score and I did not join msp to watch it fall into a black hole of hatred and spite. Thats everything I'm against. If Msp doen't take this matter seriously I do not want to be a part of this game anymore and my advice to other players who are getting bullied on Msp is to quit if it's affecting them. Msp is not the only virtual world, there are loads and probably better.

As I said before, Msp is just a game and we should all be able to play and enjoy it. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. hi Francesca i'm a big fan of you I know your full name!
