Monday 1 July 2013


Hey there, It seems the only time I really update this blog is when Im at school, as once again, I am posting from ICT.
Im sorry I havent been able to post this before, but ever since the event, I have been soo busy on MSP and in real life.
The purpose of this post?
At the time I was awaty from home but as soon as I got home I was soo happy, thank you all for your continuing help, support and love. I can't thank you all enough!

Special Thanks To My BFF's roxy-1 and ishacool.
Those girls have been here for me every step of the way and I cant thank them enough, I wouldnt be here without them :')
Another big thanks goes to my bf Dollar Master, he's amazing and I don't believe I could have done it without his love, care, support, guidance & help.
More thanks go to my other best friends; Cookie Monstah! Lucky Lily, allie flower, SammiBabes, and so many more which I love dearly.
I do have a picture  of the amazing moment whebn the 'Congratulations you are level 25!' thing comes up, but as I am in school I do not currently have it here with me, however I may upload it when I get home, dunno if I can be bothered yet though, I have a lot to do.

Also, Please watch Nightmare Bride by roxy-1, Part 12 was released yesterday, Its an amazing series and I strongly reccommend you watch it otherwise you'll miss out! Another series I reccomend you check out is Pretty In P!nk by ishacool. Its great, Made really well and has a brilliant storyline, many shocks are to come!

Oh and another thing, I wanna thank you all for my current series 'POSSESION!'s success! With views soaring over 2,000 its a real achievement for me, I just released Part 4 so please watch, theres a MASSIVE twist in it! SOMEBODY dies, Theres SOME sort of battle and SOMEONE is back, find out and watch if you're brave enough ;)


  1. Cool! Andd congratz on lvlin! Ill remember to watch the movies! ;) btw I'mcalled carlymarie 123

  2. Epic!! Ok I'm level 2 on my 2nd account L4UGH and I'm level 3 on my 1st InfinityRulesXD add me if you want which you probably don't want too like who adds someone who asks? Anyway check out my very boring MSP blog xD
