Thursday 5 June 2014

Pathetic lying hoes

Where do I even begin? I'm sure most of you are aware that there has been an argument involving myself, Isha, Holly and Candi, and Alisha, Roxy and Adept.
Firstly, I'd like to point out a few things.

*2 years ago when the whole 'Ishacool-Candired scamming allegation' argument broke out, MSP was transformed into an online hell, and still was up until recently.
*Myself and Isha were recently informed that Alisha (Who had become one of our friends) was actually the one who INITIATED and PLOTTED the allegations, and left Candi to take the full blame!
*Roxy was like a sister to me for over 2 years and I watched her change right before my eyes into a fame-crazed monster. She never had time for me or Isha after she started earning a lot of fame, fame that was earned by her movies that Isha gave her publicity and therefore views for! We got all the help and support thrown back in our faces.
*Roxy and Ali are constantly causing arguments on MSP. Why? Because Arguments = Attention    Attention = Fame 

People need to realize that yes, MSP is a game about fame, but remember its Fame, fortune and friends, and when you spit on the people who got you where you are today, you're just pushing away your friends and thus one of the main aspects of the game. What are you going to do when all the fame is gone? When you inevitably get your IP locked again Roxy and Alisha because let's face it, the amount of times you've both had your IP addresses locked from MSP for bullying is ridiculous.

You are both so inconsiderate. At least Candi had the decency to own up to what she did and make peace, ALISHA on the other hand was 2 faced and didn't say a word and hid it from us as we supported her as friends through and up highscores. The shit you caused gave Isha a breakdown, during the time her health was bad as it is and she was in and out of hospital and ROXY ESPECIALLY knew this. INCONSIDERATE BITCHES!

Good luck getting your IP's unlocked Alisha: for talking dirty to Goldy/Adept on the kids game (Yes!), swearing on the kids game and also bullying children! Roxy: for making users to hate on other people, good luck without us behind you sending emails to MSP 24/7, having your back for you!

You obviously both have no morals, dignity, self-respect, heart, common sense, NOTHING.

I have no interest in wasting my time on fake ass bitches who don't know the true meaning of friendship. You should be ashamed&disgusted of what you have both become.

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  1. Fran, I had judged you before and I am truly sorry. I had friends that didn't like you and I just went along with them. Now I regret it. I hope you can forgive me.

    1. I know what you mean and I'm sad to say I did the same. I followed the angelings cas there my team though now I'm proud to say I'm also a Epicling and a Wizzie as well. I guess I judged you because of the fight between you and the angelings. I'm glad your friends now and with you and angelings being friends I've found out about you and you seem a really nice person that I think I'd get on with you! Sorry for judging you in the past . Nice blog <3 I love the colors and the songs nice choices :)

    2. My name on msp is Katniss is the best!!! by the way :)

  2. :) I agree with you fran x

  3. Someday they will learn....sad peepz... EpicAngels<33

  4. You just know they'll soon come crawling back to you, begging for 'friendship'. I don't have a problem with Alisha and Roxy wanting fame ~ tbh everyone wants fame. But using someone who believed they were your BFF is just sick. You and Isha have always been loyal to each other & Alisha/Roxy. They could show some loyalty back :s
    By The Way, your status about Alisha being a cow for sale made me laugh so hard I was in tears xD

    ~ livliv2408

  5. You have a way with words Fran, everything said is true.. ♥

  6. fran you stole words from my mouth. i cant believe i used to look up to roxy. even if it was 1 and a half years ago, i'm ashamed i didn't see right through their pathetic lies. she used isha, she used you. :( silly attention seeker. as for alisha i never liked her but i guess i never had anything against her until she randomly hated on me. im rambling now.
    ~ caroline298

    1. Yes thats exactly what I mean. Some people lie too much for fame. It's sad

  7. Thats just plain mean and damn rude what Roxy said to your cousin Isha. I am a Christian and would never disrespect others of their religion. I respect what they believe even if they don't respect me for what I believe. Back during Easter, a look Roxy made. it was called Jesus Reincarnation. I took it as she was making fun of Christians.


  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Remember: 8 year olds play MSP to have fun, not to see people fight.

    2. Exactly... An 8 year old could see her status, then see... This, and ask their parents, which wouldn't end well. Yes, I may be too young being 10, but I blame Vimto for telling me, ya get it...

  9. well said Fran and they truly are spoilt little bitches :) theyve turned their backs on everyone, also now roxy has been trying to get attention she has minipulated people and now she deleted her best friends so everyone would be wondering whats wrong with her and so she would get attention i think its just stupid and such selfishness we all knew she was like this, we were just afraid to admit it... msp username; mean girls 123

  10. So true i cant wait when their two acc get locked out.for good.

    1. Same!!! whats your msp name, Calvin? + I hate Roxy-1 she blocked me for no reason (a)

  11. blog;

  12. she is such a little bitch

  13. Roxy is just very sad. Very well said Fran. I thought since Roxy backstabbed her BFF, Alisha. Alisha would join the Angelings and finally become nice-BUT NOOOO she's still bitchy -.- I'm fed up with Roxy with Alisha. I'M mad at ItsGlam for stalking Holly and cursing her out. ItsGlam said she will get revenge on Holly for not adding her....Glam is one son of a bitch. But Fran all you just said I 100% agree ~ Sabrinatwbackup lvl 14 ;)

    1. True though itsglam said sorry! I still ahte her how dare she do that to Holly

  14. After what I read on Isha's, Candi's, Roxy's your's and Holly's I don't know who the believe but I know what your going through ~Miniberrybell (add me people)

  15. GOOO MUSLIMS. im a Muslim to. how dare she say that. how dare she say that about anyone. isha i read that post while listening to human,it made me cry :'(

  16. How dare she Roxy-1 is a pathetic fame seeker x(!!!!

  17. Hi Fran, I just became an Epicling <3 My name is ! Lola D !
