Thursday 30 October 2014

Isha, Isha, Isha.. Enough with your (bad) lies:o

Oh where do i even start again..
Isha you yap on and on and on about how you hate lying yet here you are once again lying through your teeth to cover your own back.

Ok firstly I want to point out that you clearly know nothing about me if you think I love drama.. I hate it. It makes my skin crawl. I hate drama more than anything really, unlike certain people who seem to have it constantly surrounding them like a bad odour -_- I don't like attention either. I have nothing to hide here either so I'll just spit it out. For all those who dont know I do indeed have Social Anxiety, so obviously the allegations I love attention is totally wrong, I can't stand it, I panic - badly - with it.  It sort of also explains why I dislike even going into public chats/chatrooms on games if you were wondering about that too. This is basically what it means for me:

If you want to, you can read more about it by clicking here

I didn't call you 'the bad one', I am just letting people know the side of you that you usually hide until you get close enough to hurt, EVERYONE that has ever been friends with you knows it deep down though some are scared to admit it to you, although they have done to me. I must be more approachable, huh? I guess it's because I don't shout at people when something doesn't go my way.

You have NO RIGHT to bring in something so delicate and personal such as my self-harm and depression. It is something I have kept private for over two years and only confided in close friends whom I love (yes, proof I did truly love you) and yet you feel the urge to make it public to make yourself sound better? I never realised you were so twisted and you're proving it all by yourself. I know a lot of personal things about you, some ongoing, and I won't EVER bring up how I supported you in them to make myself sound better because its personal and I will not stoop so low. I remember when I cut off all ties with my best friend in the entire world, Kelsey for you.. If I hadn't have, you'd have left me, you said it yourself. It took me so long to let her go because she was.. She was Kelsey. We had been through the same things and were supporting each other through them, staying up all night comforting each other and trying to see the future no matter how dark it seemed. Now despite falling out with Kelsey for her 'betraying you' (she spoke to someone Isha didnt like for advice on how to create a room on IMVU), Kelsey no matter what, NEVER, not once told ANYBODY about my personal problems. THAT is the definition of a true loyal friend, not you!!!

You are 18, don't you dare deny it because I am sure I can throw proof up in no time from somewhere and your name IS in fact Zara. I know this for a fact because you told me and many other close friends, and remember, you claim not to be a liar:P And also because when you showed me an email from MSP to your personal email it has your real name 'Zara _ _ _ _ _ _' at the top! And, this is your name because when I was making your blog post your cousin told me to cross out your real name for the blog. Also, when we met you told me about how you were studying in Sixth Form and wanted to go on to be a fashion designer. Liar liar liar, you don't fool anyone!

It's funny really. If Roxy told me something and I didn't tell you, I was seen as the bad guy for keeping secrets. But when I tell you, I get persecuted for 'causing trouble!' Wheres the logic in that eh?

You say you hate two-faced people and yet you're the most 2 faced of them all. You talk about EVERYONE, even your 'best friends'. No matter what anyone does you find ways to pick at them. You know, if I look back now, I have not had one normal conversation with you since around Christmas 2012. (Normal being you not talking about anyone or complaining)

I don't take feelings lightly. When you were in hospital multiple times my only comfort was seeing your name pop up on my phone screen even if it just said 'Hi.' At times, and I'm not going to lie and say I was big and brave, I was inconsolable. I cared for you deeply and it's just sad that you only ever focus on the negatives rather than the positives.

ALSO ROXY: Just a quick note because I don't want to waste up too much room about your post because it basically, as always with you, just reitterates what Isha said. But, you say I am wrong for adding Holly as a BFF when we fell out? YOUR BEST FRIEND ISHA was the one who put that idea forward! She wanted to see the reaction me and Holly would get before she added Candi too! Isha did you skip that bit out too..?:S And personally, looking back now, Holly seemed to be a better friend in that short space of time than you both have recently.

Isha you have changed. I believe MSP has changed you - for the worse obviously. I'm not entirely sure whether it is the stress, the hate or the fame went to your head, whichever it was I pray for you, I pray one day you will come out of this as a different person and do something good with your life because I wouldn't even wish my worst enemy to stay on a children's game all their life:S

Finally, the reaction of you finding out I told Nick you told me to delete his IMVU was genuine. If you hadn't asked me it would have been worded totally differently, maybe something along the lines of 'You said to Nick i told you to delete JoshDaGoldDigger? OMG!!!' You aren't stupid c'mon we both know that.

It was impossible to talk to my boyfriend without you going through our conversations when he was out the room and screenshotting them and sending them to people! Omg it's sooo sad really. Do you have no respect or dignity?

And finally, I would like to thank a certain someone for being the only person close to some people to listen to my side of the story and understand without going ape on me. I have a lot of respect for you at present and you know who you are. I will not give away your identity, ever, obviously. Thank you anyway. 

Another thank you to all those many wonderful people who are seeing the truth and are beginning to understand. It just goes to show who the real mature players of the game are. Thank you.


  1. Awwh Fran♥ Don't let the hate ever get you down because your amazing, keep your head held high and your middle finger higher♥

  2. I Stand By Ishacool Because She Is Nice To Me. But I'm Still Happy For You Two ♥


    1. isha is a lovely girl and a great friend. I believe deep down Fran knows it too because they were bffs for a long time. I am not saying Fran wasn't a good bff either. I believed they supported each other during good times. You both should stop making each other look bad and not let a stupid boy do this. It's disgraceful if you ask me.

    2. Ikr (i) I Gave Up On Boys :D


  3. We have been talking a little bit on MovieStarPlanet. Our conversations have proof that you aren't two faced and that you shall never tell secrets about anyone. I have the proof and so do you, does isha have the proof that she isn't two faced because you just showed us proof that she is. It's sad really an 18 year old playing on a game for ages 8-15, however you
    have no proper proof. Without proof, I'm afraid I cannot believe you :( Anyway if you show us proof about isha saying she was studying in sixth form then i will believe you. I am here for you Fran #TeamFran&Chuck #StandByFran #Together4Ever...... Don't get me wrong though I wish isha all the best <33

    1. I decided that if Isha decides to deny it one more time and lie about it I will put the proof up because enough is enough really.. Thank you for your support it is much appreciated :) x

    2. My personal email address isn't my real name, I am wondering how that is proof Zara is isha's real name? Why do you have a copy of isha's email address?

  4. i never knew isha was like that.Anyway i will stand by your side :)

  5. Fran you are no different here and stop trying to act the victim in all of this because you are not. You disclosed personal information about others, such as Roxy, isha and pandypolo who you were close friends with and you expect them to sit back and not do or say anything? I have read everyone's blog involved. I do not feel isha was trying to put your depression down or be negative. Infant she's passionate about sufferers. Isha suffers from depression too. She was pointing out that she was there for you when you needed her and was a good bff to you but you tried to play it down. I remember isha's artbook she dedicated to you when you were admitted in hospital. I couldn't read it to the end without breaking down in tears. It was very heartfelt and I could feel the sisterly love and bond there. What happened?

    If it's true isha is 18yrs old and she's been on Msp 3 and half years like you said, it mean she joined Msp when she was around 14 yrs old and she probably stayed because she love the game and made friends on it. The fact is, half of the players on Msp are above the the age of 15 and Msp staff aren't stupid. They know. I am 16 and still play Msp but I joined when I was 14. I chose to because I have made friends there too. Let's leave isha out of the equation for a moment. YOU ARE WRONG TO CHEAT WITH A BOY WHO WAS CLOSE TO ISHA AND JAMIE. Us girls should stick together and don't let a boy cause so much shit. Why did you even blog about it? This whole thing is messy and embarrassing. I was going to attend your wedding on imvu. Poor Jamie:s

  6. Keep Strong Fran, Remember haters are motivators ;) If you ever need comforting or your worried you can come to me♥ your amazing bae, keep your head held high♥

  7. Fran you are advertising Chuck's side but he has no side. You cheated with him while you were in a relationship. Your bf Chuck deleted Jamie's side on his blog! Why? He deserved for his side to be seen.

    1. Fran has not cheated with anyone so please stop talking bull s*** and Its Nicks decision on what he does not yours, I think and im sure Fran would agree that Nick is mature enough to make his own desisions :) #standbyFran plus Fran and Nick make the perfect couple :)

    2. Thank you Emz for your comment.
      Apparently, Jamies comment had very crude language and called me a slut throughout so obviously Nick didnt want such profanity on his blog

  8. i will stand by your side forever
