Thursday 30 October 2014

Ishacooooool, when will you stop:D

I'm not ever sure where to start with this post, and any posts Isha will make of me because I believe her true colours are really starting to show. Roxy was like a sister for me but yes, I did turn my back on her because I was loyal to you and did indeed truly love you. Just goes to show how I felt about you because yes, at one point Roxy meant the world to me and you know it, you've even said it before yourself.

Oh and Isha, I'd recommend reading what I posted earlier before making a whole post about something you know almost nothing about. readers, take not on how she doesnt even address half of the post because it's obviously true, and plus I actually have evidence, unlike her. Isha you try and be so manipulative but it doesn't work on everyone and there are some smart people out there who see you for who you are. I've known for you 2 years, I know you..

YOU were the one who suggested deleting Nicks account and when Nick found out, you basically admitted it again. Dont lie Isha! You said he didn't deserve it. I mean if you want me to find the texts, I can, can't I?:)
Roxy and Jamie didn't even have a 'brief thing' lmao I don't see why you are bringing that up. If you actually spoke to your cousin, he even told me that he only spoke to Roxy because it was intriguing to see what she was actually like after all you'd said about her:D Oh it does make me giggle.

The fact is you do feel like you need to be around a large amount of people to be happy, you go through groups like sweets. I pity whoever you get next:/ But nevertheless, I wish them well o.o

It shows what a nasty person you are when you feel you have the right to joke about someones relationship in a club. You are vile, truly truly vile, but kudos to you because you have developed the amazing skill of hiding how vile you are to people on the outside.

Plus, I wouldn't play Roxy and you against each other, because every single time you argued, I was left in the middle. Every time. I was told by you and your cousin though that I should stick by you and prove myself to you as a friend, which I did. You've seen messages, you've seen pictures don't try and act like you're both innocent. Isha you are so manipulative. It makes me sick.

I didn't break up with your cousin because of the love I felt for him, and I thought, (you'd know this if you'd actually read my last post) if I held on a little longer something would click, or change. Something would happen. We'd be happier..

The only reason SOME people have ever come to you asking for forgiveness is because you are very very good at making people feel worthless. You dish hate on them and call it 'defence' 'until the cows come home' and 'am' here to tell you that they just want peace from you..

You may have been a high level before you met us, but the fact is nowadays you hardly do anything for yourself. you may have got yourself there but you wouldn't be able to retain it on your own, would you? You even stopped Roxy from making movies for a while. Did you feel threatened? You got annoyed at her for not making you a series very fast. It's so pathetic.

I never asked for first page and I never asked for fame lol, I prefer IMVU way more than MSP for so many reasons.

You are the biggest backstabber going. You say things like 'I never bitch, I'd say it to their face' well the problem is, you say you would, but usually, you don't unless you have to. You make other peoples business your business and a subject for gossip. Example: Mine and Jamies relationship. When he was away from the computer you snuck on, SCREENSHOTTED our conversations and sent them to Nick! We look back at what you did now and giggle. How were we so stupid to not realise who you are?

That boy, Ben, obviously wanted to impress you, talk to you. I think people need to understand that there's a difference between talking about the weather and flirting o____O

According to Nick, you have created ONE of his accounts, and tbh you use it as a weapon and a punishment against him. It's wrong.

Oh and thanks for the offer for a medal.. Unfortunately I prefer receiving rewards for things I do in the real world.

Furthermore, I knew you for 2 years. We met when you were 16 and you are 19 at around February 2nd I believe. I know you are 18 Zara and it is truly sad you are on the game you aren't even allowed to play:

Stop pointing the finger Zara and act your age!


  1. oh snap! she 18 lol and i thought i had no life xD

  2. I Think You Should Both Make Up As You Were So Close, And Now It's Like You Have No Idea Who Isha Is.

  3. GO FRANNY! btw can you please add me on imvu my name is xoxEmzxoxicorn

  4. Woah, that's LOW Fran, you just gave out personal infomation. Idc how old Isha is, she's a better person than YOU.

    1. It's Amazing Really, How People Change In A Matter Of Sceonds.

    2. So, you dont care that Ishacool is over 15 and disturbing rules of MSP, also lying to the internet JUST to keep up a reputation online. .___.YOUR LOW XD

    3. She is not a better person! Fran actually cares about her fans unlike isha!!

    4. isha didn't join Msp when she was 15, please get your facts straight and you are all going by what Fran says, there is no hard evidence. Fran you are over 15 too, Why are you still on Msp?

    5. Kenya I think Fran is 14 I might be wrong :s

    6. I am not over 15. I turned 15 on the 30th August. I am within the age range and I leave on December 31st.

    7. I don't want you to leave Fran :( Can we skype or do u hav kik i don't want to loose contact :( I rly dont want u to quit :( I don't think anyone does if ur quitting so am I :(

    8. Im gonna sing to Fran :) I DONT WANT U TO LEAVE WILL U HOLD MA HAND, OH WONT FRANNY STAY WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE COZ UR ALLLLLLLLLL I NEED, OH FRANNY STAY WITH MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I wish I could meet u, ur such an amazing person and im from Wales toooooooooooooooooooooo :D xDDD

    9. Btw can u add me on imvu please my name is xoxEmzxoxicorn :)

  5. Starry stars, it isn't low it is facts. Personal information? Wow so boring zzz, come to reality Isha is so paranoid she took print screens off Fran's conversation with Jamie and sent them to Nick..SMH LOL. And to be honest, Isha is 18 and she acts no younger than an 11 year old who just learnt how to cuss ROFL. Fran is bae, whereas Isha is an annoying bimbo SO PLEASE STFU :D

    1. Couldn't of said it better myself :D xDD

    2. Thank you very much for your support, it means so much to me! Ly Jess :*

  6. This is pathetic Fran :') I was HUGE fan of you but when I found out that ISHA was telling the truth I was honestly stunned. Please just both make up and admit you're wrong, from everyone on msp who i sick of this :')

  7. Fran, dont mind isha. She likes doing the lies and she will be covered with a bucket of pig mud! :D. I am your biggest fan! BTW, is roxy on ur side?

  8. Stop Giving away her Personal and confidential info! Thats very private to her! I used to like u fran....But idk if i do anymore.....o-o

  9. Thats just sad, Isha being over 15 and still playing msp, I mean, it IS quite an achievement being the 2nd most famous person in the whole of msp, but, COME ON! You would probably be able to get a part time job after the age of 15! Isha needs a life..

    1. Thanks for your support :)

    2. No one can work at the age of 15 idiots.

    3. You can get part time jobs not only at the age of 15 but you can get one at 14 aswell #standbyFran♥

    4. I am 15 and I have a part time job lol

  10. swear, threaten and whatever else each other but why the hell are you giving out personal information

    1. Hi, thank you for your comment,
      Please see ishacool's blog to see much more personal information about me.
      Thank you,
      -Fran x

    2. Fran you are the one who started blogging about isha's personal information. You are trying to turn this around to make people forget why all this fight started in the first place. All this started because you cheated with isha's ex and best friend. Pls remember that.

    3. She hasn't cheated with anyone so stfu and stop spamming Frans blog with hate kenya no offence but you need to wise up stop being a hater. #StandbyFran

  11. I dont mean this in any effence way i have or am on no side but doesnt it say on your bio when you were born and that you are 15 years old?

  12. Even if it's true isha is 18yrs old and she's been on Msp 3 and half years like you said, it mean she joined Msp when she was around 14 yrs old and she probably stayed because she love the game and made friends on it. The fact is, half of the players on Msp are above the the age of 15 and Msp staff aren't stupid. They know. I am 16 and still play Msp but I joined when I was 14. I chose to because I have made friends there too. Let's leave isha out of the equation for a moment. YOU ARE WRONG TO CHEAT WITH A BOY WHO WAS CLOSE TO ISHA AND JAMIE. Us girls should stick together and don't let a boy cause so much shit. Why did you even blog about it? This whole thing is messy and embarrassing. I was going to attend your wedding on imvu. Poor Jamie.

  13. omg lol, I sent a comment on isha's blog and you need her approval before it goes public litterally it comes up as "your comment will become public when it has been given approvel im there like, lmao WTF is this xDDD #TeamFran

  14. omg lol, I sent a comment on isha's blog and you need her approval before it goes public litterally it comes up as "your comment will become public when it has been given approvel" im there like, lmao WTF is this xDDD #TeamFran ~ I wrote it wrong the first time i forgot the other" xD
