Wednesday 29 October 2014

To Ishacool..

Your blog post needs addressing, because quite frankly over 90% of it I can dispute and back up with evidence. Also, there's a lot more that needs to be said.

And apologies to those who came to this blog to have a happy post or something like usual, please feel free to click the side bar and navigate to the more recent posts. I recommend the 'Staying Happy' post for this occasion.

Firstly, the only reason i was annoyed about Isha adding Roxy as a BFF is because, at the time, Roxy was my best friend in the world. My sister. I regarded her like family to be perfectly honest and a few months prior my other best friend, Lucky Lily, decided to delete Roxy as a BFF. She later added me as a BFF and all hell broke loose. Isha and Roxy said I was a bad BFF for doing this and completely raged about it. This is EXACTLY what Isha and Roxy did but yet, I am not allowed to have a problem with it? Also, I did not even argue about it. I sent Isha a polite message informing her I was taking a break and I THANKED HER for everything she had EVER done for me, and wished her well. you can see this message here:

Secondly, I hate to be bringing this up in detail but you LIED Isha! Dont lie on your blog it isn't smart. you know full well Jamie didn't just talk to Mel, you know for a fact well over 6 times they at LEAST kissed. Even one time when I was in Italy on holiday which subsequently led to me literally having a breakdown in the hotel room. And locking my roommates out for an hour. And then getting myself locked in the bathroom by accident. And the doorhandle falling off. At least I can look back and laugh at my stupidity in that case!

You're right. You did turn to me for help and advice and I was ALWAYS THERE, never failing to comfort you in your times of sadness. You even asked me to delete Nicks old IMVU account JoshDaGoldDigger because you were scared but I was so loyal to you at the time and I did whatever you wanted. I just wanted my best friend who I adored to be happy. Although I struggle to show my emotions the love I felt for you for 2 years was REAL. And yes, I messed up a few times but we all do. So do you!

You act as if you cared so much about mine and Jamies relationship and yet you fail to mention the times you put it in danger. In fact, just the other night, while I was still with Jamie, you tried to set him up with another girl! A few months ago, you texted me saying that Jamie was 'Cheating with Mel, fucking his ex and taking me for a ride!'. There are many occasions you have messed up too and don't try and deny it. I do not deny I messed up a few times also but I've ALWAYS tried to put them right but now, I just really don't have the energy. I'm happy with my life now.

Also, you say I flirted with another boy called Billion something? Wrong. This NEVER happened and I will not stop denying it because I will not admit and own up to something that is not true, and those who know me right now know I really cant be bothered anymore and will put my hands up and admit I was wrong. But I am not admitting to doing something wrong  when it didn't happen in the first place. You ALWAYS see the worst in everyone, you can never accept the truth. You believed someone you met hours prior over the actual truth. It is so pathetic in my opinion though I'm sure yours will differ.

If you truly knew me Isha, you'd know I wouldn't sleep with another boy in real life.. I am in fact, for all you out there who is interested, a virgin and I plan to stay that way until I find someone who I trust and care for so much I am willing to give myself to them. I have been brought up to respect myself and think carefully about choices like that (although I do not judge or look down on those who do not and believe everyone has their reasons for doing whatever they choose to do!)

I was a good loyal friend to you for a very long time but anyone would get tired of constant accusations, constantly being picked at and told what to do, what not to do, what to wear what not to wear and be told off for either not making enough movies or not making movies good enough.
I have personal reasons I dont make many movies on the game and quite frankly its obvious I dont give one about fame either, I mean if I did, I was sure as hell make way more movies than I do! Because when I want to do something, and when I want to excell at something, I bloody well will do it, and I will do it very well.

Isha you are a bully. You claim to be such a good friend but as soon as someone disagrees with you or accidentally does something small wrong, or even gives their opinion, you jump on them and start beating them down, trying to wear them apart, hurt them. I am not the vile one here, it is you. Lucy is a very very dear friend to me and saw what was going on, all the accusations pointed at me and how you both constantly looked down on me and so she messaged Jamie, POLITELY, you can see Lucys first message here:

After a few more messages Lucy said

Further on in the conversation Isha took over and resorted to telling lucy to 'kiss my cunt' and 'y'all can go take a walk and fuck each other', and many, many other rude and offensive things. There is a fine line between defending yourself and just being plain rude and a plain bully. And kids on MSP are meant to look up to you? Smh. It's truly sad.

There are many other messages and I have copied of the whole conversation so if you with to see them please get in touch with me and I will show the whole thing, but this post is getting rather large.. There is a lot to say about Isha.

What else can I say? You are eighteen, 18, years of age and on a game for children and yet you claim you excell in everything you do.. Hun if I was you I wouldn't be proud of being 18 and being big on an online game for children from the age of eight to 15.. I mean I for one hope that when I am 18 I have good good enough A Level results and I hope, and will work towards, getting a place in University, getting a degree and going into the world of work and certainly not spending my days on MovieStarPlanet, and getting worked up whenever someone doesnt make enough movies, or doesn't add you to a movie, or when someone makes too many movies.. o_O

I think it got to the point Isha that whenever my phone went off, I'd panic a little. I'd worry about what I may have done, did I word something wrong to upset you? What would you be upset at next? I truly tried and you know what? I was not the only one that felt like this. Multiple people have told me about feeling this way but sworn me to secrecy and I will always respect that even if those people are against me today.

Isha, please step back for a second and think about all the friends you had back in 2012. Look at them. There was well over 15-20 of us at that point right? Yeah, there was. Now look at how many people there are now. A handful. Surely all those people cant be such terrible people? You fall out with EVERYONE! Doesn't that say a lot? You think you're a fantastic and great friend and I agree, you can be, you truly can be but you can also be the opposite.

I stayed with Jamie because I loved him. A lot. And you can say I didn't 'until the cows come home' but only I know myself well enough to know how I truly felt. If I didnt love him so much I would have left him the many times he cheated, promised, swore to me he wouldnt again and then went and did it again, and again, and again, and again.. But I didn't, you see? I stayed with him because I truly thought maybe something was going to get better, or click, change, things couldn't stay bad forever, right? Yeah, I admit I could have handled it better but I didn't know how to. And I know for a fact you will dispute this too and say its common sense to end the relationship but I physically couldn't. I was torn between my love for him and my love for being happy..

When I first started Skyping Nick it was just friendly, there's a chance I am moving to his school for sixth form and we were taking about the school, what it has to offer and so on. However Isha and Jamie hated us talking and said we were out of order and so much more.

Furthermore, you use fame as a weapon. Whenever you fall out with someone you resort to making it your goal to either overtake them on highscores or send hate their way. It's sad really, couldn't you think of anything more creative, or normal? Come on, it can't be that difficult. Personally, I wish you well with that and hope somehow, although I dont understand how, I hope somehow it gives you some sort of satisfaction.

You even told Nick/Chuck to go to hell on one occasion, something that when Roxy told your cousin you both hated her for. You apologized for this, but then went and did something similar again earlier and said the following:

And you say I'M the bad one with apologising and doing things again. You are so hypocritical Isha! Can you not see it in yourself? Okay you can act hard online but for a moment please step back, you don't have to tell anyone this or make it public but you know deep down who you are, don't you?

Jamie.. So many people told me to leave you, over and over and over again.. Friends, family, I never did. I believed it would get better. You say things like 'so many girls ask me out on a daily basis'. Well let's put this straight that definitely in reality or online, it does not only happen to you, mark my words on that. However, I don't always bring it up like you do to try and make myself sound any better. What's the point in that?

Oh and also, I'm proud of you Isha. You managed to make a blog post! It always seemed to be me doing your blog posts for you, but that's what friends are for. In fact, it always seemed to be Roxy or Nick or Polo also making your movies.. And also, it always seemed to be you that took all the credit.. o_O Hmmmmm..

And finally, I also believed in our friendship. I loved you, so, so, so much, although I never really show my emotions, I truly did, and trust me, everyone knew it..


  1. u certainly kicked her @** :s Fran u go girl xD

  2. Don't worry Fran i will always be there for you even if were not close friends like U and Lucy. I belive you, your always straight forward and so honest, I know I proberly sound like a 10 yr old right now but I have always tried my best to be there for you, your always there for everyone, I wanted to try and be a friend to you in fact that is my dream to be a friend to you ever since I started msp. But now I accidently deleted you on msp when I was trying to ask you to be my bff but that didn't exactly go to plan and now Im really upset so can you please add me back im the girl who made that ab for you that you commented on my msp name is creamprincess123, remember Fran, never change your perfect the way you are ~ Emz

    1. Thank you for your support xo

    2. Its okay, Fran i'll always be here for you beautiful♥

  3. Btw I also commented on your post about you and chuck please read♥ Btw you soooo kicked her a** GO FRAN!

  4. But in the good way♥ tbh I think she needed a taste of reality.

  5. You go Fran bae, Jess here lol! <3 You and Nick will be very happy together, and you have me, Lucy and Nick, and your friends by your side x Ily x

  6. WOW There is a lot to process from the post there. Isha is eighteen o.o! Well I hope she quits msp and gives you a break. Sorry if this is a stupid question but who is Jamie :o

  7. Jamie is my ex boyfriend, Jamiestar97, Ishas real cousin

  8. Tbh everything isha is saying is bull sh** btw its creamprincess123 xDDDD and by any hance do u hav kik but if u dont wanna like say coz everyone is gonna msge u its okay♥

  9. Got your back Fran, ly♥

  10. Fran , I think everyone would believe you to be telling the truth. I'm mean you have never set a bad example on who you are and what you do. I believe you will achieve such better results in life than Isha because you just move on with your life , not wasting time to correct people on what they've done wrong. This is a good thing because people can learn to say "I corrected myself". not Isha corrected me (again)! Ly Fran keep strong!


    1. Oh excuse me Tyra please stfu because Fran and Nick hasn't done anything wrong.
